Coaching Packages
Atlas Endurance Coaching has two coaching packages to help your pursue and achieve your endurance training and performance goals. Additionally, we have a free coaching consultation that allows you to get in touch with us to talk about coaching options and to make sure we are a the best fit for your current and future endurance training needs.
Premium Endurance Coaching Plan
The Premium Endurance Coaching Plan is for serious athletes that are ready to take their performance to the next level. This plan offers continuous personalized coaching and unlimited access to Atlas Endurance Coaching resources.
Plan Includes:
Complimentary Training Peaks Premium Access
1:1 quarterly coaching strategy sessions with Atlas Endurance Coaching Staff
Weekly customized training plans tailored to goals, upcoming races, fatigue, injury, etc.
Unlimited training adjustments based on athlete input, schedule changes, etc.
Up to three analyzed workouts per week with detailed feedback
Regular communication with coaches via Training Peaks
Unlimited emails and texts with Atlas Endurance Coaching Staff with responses within 12 hours
Up to two scheduled phone/video calls per month with Atlas Endurance Coaching Staff
Pre-race strategy sessions for all races
Standard Endurance Coaching Plan
The Standard Endurance Coaching Plan is for recreational athletes that are looking for a customized training plan and regular feedback to push their endurance performance.
Plan Includes:
Complimentary Training Peaks Premium Access
1:1 annual coaching strategy sessions with Atlas Endurance Coaching Staff
Weekly customized training plans tailored to goals, upcoming races, fatigue, injury, etc.
Up to four training adjustments based on athlete input, schedule changes, etc. per month
One analyzed workout per week with detailed feedback
Regular communication with coaches via Training Peaks
Unlimited emails and texts with Atlas Endurance Coaching Staff with responses within 24 hours
One scheduled phone/video calls per quarter with Atlas Endurance Coaching Staff
One pre-race strategy session per year
Contact Atlas Endurance Coaching at CoachDrew@AtlasEnduranceCoaching.com to start training today
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